A message from our Principal,
Ms. Militello
Dear PS 889 Families,
It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 2024–2025 school year! I hope you have all had a relaxing and fun summer break. I am extremely proud to start my fourth year as the principal of this amazing learning community. It is my pleasure to reintroduce Ms. Denise Pergola, who will begin her first full year as assistant principal. I would also like to welcome our new parent coordinator, Alana Ruiz, to our PS 889 family. She is so excited to meet you all on the first day of school.
We are excited to share with you all that PS 889 has to offer and believe you will soon feel as we do, that PS 889 is truly a special place. With the tremendous support from our Parent’s Association, we hope to continue all our residencies: The Brooklyn Conservatory, the NYC Ballet, Calpulli Mexican Dance Company, Franklin Furnace and so much more... This year we will also begin seeing the fruits of our labor in the STEM classroom. Last year, our amazing school social worker, Ms. Judy Brandwein applied for various grants, and we received TWO STEM grants allowing us to purchase so many wonderful materials and resources and we cannot wait to share them with you.
Our teachers and staff are eager to meet their new students and begin this year’s journey with them. We have been working tirelessly to finalize classes and schedules, engage in professional learning opportunities, and update our instructional models, class routines, and expectations, to ensure the academic success and a true sense of belonging for our students. Our primary goal is that our students feel loved and cared for. As our school’s motto states: "What we learn with joy, we never forget."
Please be sure to sign up for updates through your child’s classroom Dojo. You will receive an invite from your classroom teacher within the first week of school. Please ensure you open a NYCSA (New York City Student Account). If you need help, please contact Ms. Alana for any support. Her email address is ARuiz55@schools.nyc.gov Her office is located in the main office if you would like to meet with her in person.
Lastly, please connect with the PS Parent Association to sign up for Konstella and join their Instagram for information on events happening throughout the year.
I am looking forward to another amazing year with you and your children.
Principal Militello