Family Resources
Parent University
Parent University is for all parents and family members. It is a course registration and management system where NYC families can find free trainings on a wide range of topics. Parent University serves all families, from early childhood through adulthood, and seeks to educate and empower them as partners and advocates through free courses, resources, events, and activities.
You can check out the site here: https://parentu.schools.nyc/
For more information, including flyers in different languages please visit the DOE’s Family Empowerment site.
Emergency Broadband Benefit
Qualified New York City residents can receive a temporary discount for current or new monthly internet service subscriptions. This discount is available as part of the Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), a short-term emergency subsidy program during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible New York City residents can receive either a monthly benefit (a discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals) or a one-time device discount (up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer [with a co-payment of $10 - $50], where available. Support will be allocated to qualifying households on a first-come, first-serve basis for as long as funds last,
click here to sign up now.
To learn more on how to register, you can also call 833-511-0311 or 311. Be sure to check your eligibility and please share the information far and wide with your community networks.
NYC Department of Education Support Links
DOE Website
Family Welcome Centers
Counseling Services: Thrive NYC