
Our Mission
在PS 889,我们提供既严格又愉快的教育体验,旨在点燃每个孩子的才华和天赋,每天都如此。学校丰 enrichment 模型的使用将培养学生对学习的享受、参与和热情,因为我们的学生参与以主题为基础的学习单元,这些单元融入了艺术、音乐和运动,以及与主题相关的专家合作的经验,以使学习变得相关和真实。在基础识字和数学中使用研讨会方法进行直接教学在我们的课程中同样显著。通过敬业的教师和积极的家庭的合作努力,我们的学生将具备内容知识、批判性思维能力和永恒价值观,这些对于成为我们学校社区和整个社区中有成效的成员至关重要。
Our Vision
The vision for PS 889 is that through the collaborative effort of all members of our culturally diverse community, our students will be prepared for the opportunities and challenges they may encounter as they grow and pursue their dreams. We are committed to cultivating the intellectual, social, and emotional growth of each child to enable them to rise to their fullest potential. It is our ultimate goal that our students are confident in their ability to use their unique talents, skills and knowledge as future leaders of the 21st century.